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1984 ~ 1990 College of Medicine of Seoul National University
1991 ~ 1995 Residency, Seoul Asan Medical Center
1998 ~ 2001 Fellowship, Seoul Asan Medical Center
2001 ~ 2008 Medical Doctor, College of Medicine of Ulsan University
2005 Visiting Scholar at Barrow Neurological Institute, USA
2011 Visiting Scholar at Hokkaido University of Education
2005 ~ 2006 USA Barrow Neurological Institute Training
2011 Japan Hokkaido University, Asahikawa Red Cross Hospital Training
Article and Journal
Yang K, Koo HW, Park W, Kim JS, Choi CG, Park JC, Ahn JS, Kwon DH, Kwun BD, Lee DH. Fusion 3-Dimensional Angiography of Both Internal Carotid Arteries in the Evaluation of Anterior Communicating Artery Aneurysms.
Cho SH, Denewer M, Park W, Ahn JS, Kwun BD, Lee DH, Park JC. Intraprocedural Rupture of Unruptured Cerebral Aneurysms During Coil Embolization: A Single-Center Experience.
Park W, Ahn JS, Chung J, Chung Y, Lee S, Park JC, Kwun BD. Neurologic Deterioration in Patients with Moyamoya Disease during Pregnancy, Delivery, and Puerperium.
Park W, Chung J, Ahn JS, Park JC, Kwun BD. Treatment of Large and Giant Middle Cerebral Artery Aneurysms: Risk Factors for Unfavorable Outcomes. Fracture and migration of a retained wire into the thoracic cavity after endovascular neurointervention: report of 2 cases.
Yang K, Koo HW, Park W, Kim JS, Choi CG, Park JC, Ahn JS, Kwon DH, Kwun BD, Lee DH. Fusion Three-Dimensional Angiography of Both Internal Carotid Arteries in the Evaluation of Anterior Communicating Artery Aneurysms.
Koo HW, Park W, Yang K, Park JC, Ahn JS, Kwon SU, Hwang C, Lee DH. Fracture and migration of a retained wire into the thoracic cavity after endovascular neurointervention: report of 2 cases.
Jeon SB, Kwon SU, Park JC, Lee DH, Yun SC, Kim YJ, Ahn JS, Kwun BD, Kang DW, Choi HA, Lee K, Kim JS. Reduction of Midline Shift Following Decompressive Hemicraniectomy for Malignant Middle Cerebral Artery Infarction.
Park W, Ahn JS, Park JC, Kwun BD, Lee DH. Treatment Strategy Based on Experience of Treating Intracranial Infectious Aneurysms
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