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· Microscope : OPMI Pentero 800, CarlZeiss
· Navigation : N/A
· Surgical Drill : Midas, Rex EM210, Medtronic
· 3D Camera : M-FLIX 2010, 3D MediVision
· 3D Recorder : R-FLIX1010, 3D MediVision

Kyungpook National University, School of Medicine
Internship ,Kyungpook National University Hospital.
Residency, Department of Neurosurgery, Kyungpook National University Hospital.
Fellowship, Department of Neurosurgery, Kyungpook National University Hospital,
Clinical Instructor, Kyungpook national university hospital, 2006~2008
Clinical Instructor, Department of Neurosurgery, Samsung Medical Center, 2008~2010
Assistant professor, Department of Neurosurgery, Samsung Medical Center, 2010~2014
Society Activity
A member of the Korean Neurosurgical Society
A member of the Korean spinal Neurosurgery Society
A member of American Association of Neurosurgical Surgeons
A member of Congress of Neurological Surgeons
Article and Journal
Nam H11,2,3, Kim GH4, Bae YK2,3,5, Jeong DE2,3,5, Joo KM2,3,5,6, Lee K3,6,7, Lee SH1,2,5. ,Angiogenic Capacity of Dental Pulp Stem Cell Regulated by SDF-1 alpha-CXCR4 Axis, 2017 May 15.
Kim S11,2, Lee SH1, Kim ES1, Eoh W1.Thermal-Induced Osteonecrosis of Adjacent Vertebra after Intradiscal Electrothermal Therapy, 2016 Dec 29.
Kim CH11,2,3,4, Chung CK5,6,7,8,9, Lee SH10, Jahng TA2,3,4,11, Hyun SJ2,3,4,11, Kim KJ2,3,4,11, Yoon SH12, Kim ES10, Eoh W10, Kim HJ2,3,4,11, Kim KT13, Sung JK13, Choi Y14., Long-term recurrence rates after the removal of spinal meningiomas in relation to Simpson grades,2015 Nov 5.
Tatsui CE11, Lee SH, Amini B, Rao G, Suki D, Oro M, Brown PD, Ghia AJ, Bhavsar S, Popat K, Rhines LD, Stafford RJ, Li J.,Spinal Laser Interstitial Thermal Therapy: A Novel Alternative to Surgery for Metastatic Epidural Spinal Cord Compression,2016 Dec;79
Jung S11,2, Seo SW3, Lee SH4.,Delayed diagnosis of cervical spinal cord transection without radiographic abnormality in a 3-year-old child after a motor vehicle accident, 2016 Jun 4.
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